Original Abstracts

Painting abstractly has been so impactful for me as an artist and as a person. It gives me the chance to play and transform my emotions into something more beautiful. At first these pieces were more about the experience of creating them and less about the finished product but when I really sat and looked closely at them I realised they were much more than that. Each one has something to say. A few of the pieces have been named based on the conversation we had with eachother but it didn’t feel right to name them all. The experience of creating these pieces is for me but the experience of the finished artwork is for you. I have left them untitled so that you can have your own conversation, free from any of my influence. So pick one that you are drawn to, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, when you are ready, open your eyes, look at the painting and see what images and messages come to you. I think you will be surprised to see what comes through… I know I was.